
last Friday was the day chosen by Eva and Israel to develop one of the difficult Erasmus+ activities of our project 'Healthy body, Healthy mind': 'Designing the ideal cereal bar'.

Students needed to choose healthy ingredients, cook with them and produce a tasty cereal bar. Our results were amazing and we also discovered that we learnt a lot cooking something healthy.

Our bars were placed in the fridge. In a couple of days they will be ready!!!

Check the process of this funny activity with the pictures below.

Congrats, Eva, Isra. A big thank you for our 3º ESO students

Alejandro and Carlos following Lara's action.

Fran mixing the stuffing for the bar. Jesús looking closely and Cristing feeling proud of their work.

This group is finish the icing, a very important part of the process.

Alejandro finishing the stuffing. Chef Tomás looking closely. Dough is already prepared!

Using an electric beater was necessary to prepare both the dough and the stuffing.

Ummm... honey, cereals and the perfect icing...

It looks really good. This seems to have some chocolate.

Some liquid stuffing is also important. María and Lucía knows it and include some in their bar. 

Delicious and nutritious! Good Job!!!
